We provide within and Outside Nigeria tailor made removals solutions to Individuals, Governmental and non-Governmental entities, Embassies, Private Organization, Groups other Partners Affiliates etc.
We have therefore acquired immense competencies in this regard and have equally distinguished ourselves in the provision of cost-effective project logistics and Personal Effects / Diplomatic cargo and General Effects and Supplies management including customs clearance and Delivery.
One of the ways we have continued to delight our customers and one in which our customers benefit in our relationship with them is our ability to first identify the needs and expectations of our individual clients with regards to economical offer with the operation done well and value for money for the office.
Once this is achieved we translate the insight gained into packaging specific products and services that would suit the group’s job demands and project execution plans. Given our background as a wholly indigenous company and our relationship with key international partners, we constantly ensure that we think globally but act locally. Through this way we ensure that our customers maintained a leading edge through the provision of excellent, professional and courteous service that meets international standard.
Through our strategic partnership with major key players in the industry worldwide, we offer a unique combination and best guarantees for a complete package of logistics services adapted to specific needs of clients, going far beyond the scope of the activities undertaken by others.
Through our vast knowledge and High quality system in place, Omatai has acquired immense competencies and have equally continually increased the quality of its services available to customers. We manage Transportation and delivery service whose quality is guaranteed by a management service from start to finish. Inter-State distributor within all States in Nigeria and Sub-African Countries, also Supply-chain Management Solution.
We have System with a crop of highly motivated work-force across all the regions, on timely delivery and Reliable insurance partner and a very excellent relationship with our clients to distinguish ourselves from other on how Transport Logistics are being handled in Nigeria. OMATAI Engage in Hiring & Supplies of all kinds Logistics and Agricultural Equipment (example; Crane, Pay-loader, Tractors & Plates, Hiabs Trucks, etc.)
- Immigration services Consultant
- Home and school search
- Arrival & departure services
- Construction / Supply & General Service